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10 Things Louder Than a Proneb Max

10 Things Louder Than a Proneb Max

The air compressor is a key part of your nebulizer system. Have you ever wondered just how loud your compressor is? While your compressor may seem a little noisy, you may be surprised to learn how quiet a PARI PRONEB Max Compressor is compared to the sounds we hear in our day-to-day.

The Science of Measuring Sound

Scientists use decibels (dB) to measure the intensity of sound. The louder the sound, the higher the decibel. To the human ear, some sounds seem louder than others. Some loud noises can actually damage the human ear, especially when they are long-lasting. Scientists “weigh” these sounds according to their intensity and their effect on hearing.

Compressor Noise

Compressors have a reputation for being loud – they are air compressors, after all. But this reputation may be short-lived, as the next generation of compressors is quieter than ever before. The PRONEB Max, for example, is one of the quietest compressors on the market today. Measuring at just 57 dBA, the PARI PRONEB Max is even quieter than the PARI Vios Pros.

10 Noisier Things Than a Pari PRONEB Max

While the PRONEB Max does make some noise, it is quiet as far as compressors go. Here are ten things that are actually noisier than your tabletop or portable compressor.

A Normal Conversation

A normal conversation weighs in at 60 dBA, which is just 3 dBA louder than the PARI PRONEB Max. This means you can carry on a normal conversation and clearly hear what everyone is saying, even while your nebulizer is running.

A Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner makes a loud and piercing racket that measures about 70 dBA, more than 10 dBA louder than a PARI Proneb Max nebulizer. A flushing toilet, home dishwasher, or noisy room also produces about 70 dBA of noise. At this level, sounds can be disruptive.

An Alarm Clock

An alarm clock produces about 80 dBA of noise. This level of sound can make it difficult to have a conversation. Noises measuring 80 dBA and higher may damage hearing after two hours of exposure. Nebulizers, on the other hand, will never harm your hearing. 

A Lawnmower

Lawnmowers are annoyingly loud, whether you are pushing one or trying to take a nap while your neighbors mow. At 90 dBA, lawnmowers are substantially noisier than a PRONEB Max nebulizer.

A Chainsaw

Chainsaws are notoriously loud, measuring about 100 dBA. An extremely disruptive sound, you cannot hear someone speaking over the noise of a chainsaw. 

A Motorcycle

The noise motorcycles make varies greatly between models and sizes, but most produce about 100 dBA of sound. Hearing damage can occur after about 50 minutes of exposure.

A Concert or Club

Concerts and clubs are exceptionally loud, booming in at 110 dBA. At this level, the noise is bearable only for short periods. You’ll have to shout at the top of your voice to be heard at a club or concert.

Emergency Vehicle Sirens

Emergency vehicle sirens are meant to be loud. These sirens blare at 120 dBA. At that intensity, you may feel pain in your ears.

A Jackhammer

At 130 dBA, a jackhammer pounds your sense of hearing and it can cause significant ear pain.

An Airplane During Takeoff

Standing 50 meters (54.6 yards) from an airplane during its takeoff is unbelievably loud and quite dangerous – it can cause unbearable ear pain and serious hearing damage.

Quiet Nebulizer Systems

A Treatment with the PARI PRONEB Max is Quiet Compared to Other Every Day Sounds!

The PRONEB Max combined with a nebulizer delivers inhaled medications to treat asthma, COPD, and other respiratory-related symptoms. To keep your PRONEB Max running at peak performance, be sure to change your air filters according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The PARI PRONEB Max makes it easy and comfortable to take your nebulizer treatments, without a disruptive noise level. Choose a more quiet way to treat your symptoms with Nebology’s clinically-proven nebulizer systems.

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