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In-Depth Product Feature: The PARI SINUS

In-Depth Product Feature: The PARI SINUS

Aerosol therapy systems can be significantly helpful for people with chronic sinus problems, but all devices available for patients are not the same. The PARI SINUS is specially designed to help as much medication as possible reach the sinuses, so each treatment is maximally effective.

Clinically-Proven Results

The PARI SINUS system combines the same efficient nebulization that's common to all products in the PARI brand, along with a vibrating pulse. The vibration is clinically proven through MRI imaging tests to deliver more medication to the sinuses than sinus treatment systems that do not pulsate, including nasal sprays.

Because more medication reaches the sinuses with every attempt, you can potentially use less medication overall, which reduces side effects.

An Innovative Product

There are other intranasal aerosol therapy systems on the market, including PARI's SinuStar system. It produces small particles and directs the aerosol towards the upper airway for good results.

Even so, the PARI SINUS System is the first of its kind on the market, because of the pulsating feature that helps open the sinus and nasal passages. That allows medication to reach the deepest parts of sinus passageways, where it's most needed.

How to Purchase the PARI SINUS

Once you’ve gotten information from your doctor and talked with him or her about using aerosol therapy to treat your sinus condition, order the PARI SINUS Pulsating Aerosol System conveniently from us at

Note that currently, insurance companies in the United States do not cover the costs of aerosol therapy systems for sinus treatments. However, such devices are especially popular with patients in Europe and Canada. They are successfully being used in those places, plus the United States, to treat conditions like allergies and rhinitis.

Although it's necessary to pay out-of-pocket for now, hopefully insurance companies will eventually change their coverage policies, particularly as American physicians continue to recommend aerosol therapy treatments for sinus problems.

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